Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Boo to Hackers!!!

Well...someone hacked into our account so I had to delete our entire blog and start a new one! Ugg this week has been a whirlwind with this dang thing! First I had to make a new web address because our's stopped working and then this...the person who hacked into it put all sorts of vulgar things on our was desturbing.

So anywase, hopefull this time around we won't have to deal with any of that! Luckily I had enough down time to make a whole new one..only sad thing is that the old posts and pictures are all gone :(

In recent news, Scott's job may possibly be going down to M-Thrus working longer hours but they'd be off on Fridays!!! That's so exciting I hope it happens because that would mean less daycare!!! Also some big news...I'm chopping my hair off todat at 5! I'll make sure to post pictures so you can see the end result. My lady wasn't there today after 4 so let's hope this new lady can fill her shoes or I might be one sad person with a bad hair do! hehe!

I had written this long funny post about memorial day that I don't think everyone had seen yet with a video of Connor crawling..but it's gone! i'm going to try to take a better video of him tonight...and also upload some pictures of him swimming so I can update the new blog with cuteness!!!!

Anywase, that's all for now!

Scott and Brittnee

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