Sunday, April 15, 2012

Life's a Whirlwind!!!

The last few months in the York household have been a whirlwind! It's sort of been one thing after the other for us lately. I suppose this is what makes being an adult so interesting. Scott and I keep telling ourselves that things will eventually get calmer, but deep down I think we're both hoping they never totally settle down because then we'd lead an ordinary and boring life! As far as somethings I could FOR SURE live without here's just a few...

So our very sweet, crazy, energetic, and handsome little boy has been struggling with ear infections out the WAZOOO!!! As a parent this has been so hard to handle, there's so much you want to do to help or make them feel better, but theres just nothing that can help... It sucks! That's pretty much how I describe this ear infection crap! He'd had a few when he was little, but in the last couple months it seems like we've taken him to the dr weekly :( Our last visit, she told us that if they didn't clear up our only option would be tubes. Well we thought they were getting worse so we took him back expecting to hear the worst....come to FIND out that they are clearing up!! I wasn't so sure I believed this dr...because my little boy was still acting like he was in pain...but it seems to have worked becuase he is finally back to himself! Now we just hope that his poor little ears stay clear! This is definitely something I can do without!!!

The other thing we would be ok with not seeing EVER again!!! My dear husband who has been given a case of the bad lucks with hospital stays over the last year, broke his finger at a freak accident that happened at work:( It was awful, as a wife you want to be there for everything. But because it happened at work I didnt even find out about it until late that night and even then I didn't getto see him unitl he came home from the ER. It was so hard to not be there for him. Well to shorten the story, he did have to have surgery where they inserted to pins into his finger to fuze the bone together. This week he got his cast off and the pins taken out. Although he doesn't have full motion back yet, the dr seemed to think he would have no problem regaining it. So we are hopeful, and grateful that he still has a job, as well as a working finger!!! This man has been through the ringer over the last year, and has handled everything so calmly, and even when I was worried he got me through it and told me everything would be fine...and so far he's done a great job at keeping that promise.

So, ear infections, broken fingers, surgeries, and teething may have taken over our lives for the past couple months..we did find out some great life changing news....

Brittnee got a NEW JOB!! After working my butt off to graduate while being pregnant, then having a preemie, and taking care of a tiny new born...I finally got a job where I will be using my degree!!! I will be a Legal Assistant for a local Law Firm. I am beyond excited!!! Not only is the an amazing opportunity, it is a financial change for our family that will help us tremendously! I am super sad to leave the little family I made at the vets office and all the friends I've made there, but I'm grateful about this new change! I start this Thursday!! eeeekkk.....SO EXCITED!!!!

Well...theres probably much more that's worthy of making it into this blog but I'm sure nobody wants to sit here and listen to all of that!!!

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