Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Beginnings

To New Beginnings...

     Well most of you that know Scott and I probably know that we recently have been going through some rough struggles, but we are both glad and happy to say that we have found a way to get through them and are back on our feet! Every couple will face hard times through their relationship, and we both realize that. I think that maybe we both expected marriage to be easy, we failed to realize that marriage is infact the opposite of easy. We've realized that marriage is something you have to want and work at every single day, and that's something we are both willing to do because our marriage is important to us, and we do very much love each other. We've had good and bad times, and I can only hope that we will continue to make wonderful memories together as a family.
We know that we will always have obstacles to face and hardships to overcome but our recent struggles have only brought us closer together, and in some ways they've been a blessing in disguise. I know now more than I did before how important my husband and our family mean to me. God put us down this path for a reason, and I am grateful that he opened our eyes and made us realize how important we are to one another. People always say that God works in mysterious ways, and now for the first time in our lives we truly got to see God's work right in front of us. We have this beatiful family, and we both realize now that our family is number one in our lives (set aside from God). There is nothing truly more powerful than coming to the realization that you get to spend the rest of your life with the one person that really understands you. I am so grateful for the husband that I get to share my life with!
    As far as everything else goes, we are both doing great with our work places, I am still working at the Vets office learning new things everyday! It's exciting and I am very grateful to have a job in this economy. Scott is going on about 2 months working at one of the plants here in town. He is enjoying it more than he expected. He is on a night shift, so that has taken getting used to on both our parts, but it's rotatitng so we get to spend a day or two with him usually every week and Connor LOVES that!!! Connor and his daddy are thick as theives...the two of them get together and trouble starts! Here's some new things going on with Connor!!!
     * He blows kisses now when mommy and daddy tell him bye bye! Sooo adorable!
     * He open mouth kisses you when you ask for kisses, which melts my heart <3
     * He is running around EVERYWHERE and doesn't stop!!
     * His best friend is probably his cousin Landon because he sees him all the time and they love playing together!
     * He can now say lot's of different words..newest is Austa, which is is Aunt's name :) This made his MeMe a little upset, but his aunty very HAPPY!
     * Last little thing is that he LOVES to wiggle!! Anytime he hears music he wiggles his little booty all over! He loves dancing!

There's lots of other things going on with us but it would take a week to write down everything! We just want to tell everyone how much we appreciate their support and help over the last couple months. We will never forget everything that was done for us! We love you guys!
Brittnee, Scott, and Connor

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